Dear Pamangkins,
Your social media cousin, Michael Bustamante created this website & the mobile application for us to bask in God’s love, walk by His guidance and fellowship with one another 24/7.
Let us to bask in God’s love, walk by His guidance and fellowship with one another 24/7. You can hear and watch Ed Lapiz messages anytime, anywhere and also access the following: Ed Lapiz FB page, Daily Devotions, Daily Quotations, “Isang Tanong Isang Sagot” and other EL resources.
Psalm 19:4 (CEV)
Yet their message reaches all the earth, and it travels around the world. The Spirit must have given the psalmist an early peek into the future — into broadcasting, the internet, and these app when inspiration to write the psalm and prophecy concerning how God’s message would cover the earth was given.
Let us thank God for technology; through it, we can walk together through life following the Spirit and holding each other’s cyber hands!
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365 Daily Supplements For The Heart
Approved Therapeutic Claims
by Ed Lapiz
Get this ebook “365 Daily Supplements for the Heart” and “365 Daily Boosters for the Heart” By Pastor Ed Lapiz.
Click the Button below to download the ebook.
Offering, Donation, and Love Gifts
Thank you so much for your prayers and support to this ministry.
Our desire to share hope in new ways to millions of people in many places have become possible because of your unconditional love of giving in supporting us to this ministry.
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We are so excited about all the wonderful things that God has placed in our hearts to accomplish in Jesus name and for supporting us in this ministry. Below are the information that you can use to send your Offerings, Donations and Love Gifts, this ministry.
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Send your prayer request. We will continue to pray for you together with our brethren that our dear Lord Jesus’s promise of peace upon you and granting His will for what you are praying for.
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Thank you so much for your prayers and support to this ministry. You can send your Donation, Love Gifts and Offerings to support this ministry.
Today's Word by Ed Lapiz
365 Daily Devotion
A pill a day keeps the sickness away. Mga pampalakas ng loob – malalim at mababaw – mataas at abot-kamay – nakakakiliti at nakakalungkot – sumsagot at nagtatanong.
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Your social media cousin, Michael Bustamante, created this website and mobile application for us to bask in God’s love, walk by His guidance and fellowship with one another 24/7.
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We will continue to pray for you together with our brethren that our dear Lord Jesus’s promise of peace upon you and granting His will for what you are praying for.
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